Translation of a Power of Attorney – POA Notary
Today I was engaged to provide an interpreting service: translation of a power of attorney (POA Notary) .
- Place: Notarial Office, ul. Twarda, City Centre
- Interpreter: Maciej Wróblewski – sworn translator online
- Nationality of the Client: British
- Service: translation of a power of attorney (POA Notary)
- Planned interpretingtime: 1h
- Interpreting time: 30 minutes including waiting
- Price: interpreting rate per hour
Oral translation of a power of attorney at a notarial office (colloquially known as: notarial translation), which I did today, was an interesting experience. I generally find interpreting interesting for two reasons:
- I can learn something new about the law, or about the practice of drafting notarial deeds
- or I can have an engaging conversation with the Client.
Today’s translation of a power of attorney was not very exciting in terms of its provisions. Nevertheless, the time I spent at the notarial office was very informative thanks to a conversation I had with my Client from Great Britain. Its topic was the real estate crisis in London in the 1990s. As it turns out, some of the solutions used then could work under the current market conditions in Poland. However, this is a topic for a completely different blog 🙂.
Noratial deeds interpretation
Back to the topic, today’s translation of a power of attorney at a notarial office involved the power to represent a company. The text of the document was written in an exceptionally friendly way for the translator. By this I mean that there were no sentences stretching over a dozen linesof text. Probably every translator seeing such a document feels instinctive sympathy for the person who drafted it. Thank you and best regards to the law firm whence the document came from!