- Place: District Court for Warszawa Praga-Południe in Warsaw, ul. Terespolska 15A, Room 24 – interpreting in court 2.
- Interpreter: Maciej Wróblewski – sworn translator online
- Nationality of the Client: Indian
- Official languagesof the Client: Hindi and English
- Service: pre-nuptial interview with a foreigner
- Planned interpretingtime: 1h
- Interpreting time: the interview did not take place, as I found out on the spot
- Price: interpretationordered in thestandard mode
I would have performed a sworn translation in court today had it not been cancelled. In the work of a sworn English translator, it sometimes happens that things have to be rescheduled at the last minute. The reasons can be many and varied:
- starting with the failure of one of the parties to appear,
- ending with formal deficiencies in documents
- or lack of an ID.
Probably every sworn English translatorhas encountered such situations.
Today, after arriving outside the courtroom, to my disappointment and that of the parties to the proceedings, I discovered that a note stating that the hearing had been cancelled due to the absence of the judge was displayed next to the docket. I further ascertained from the clerk’s office that this was indeed not a mistake. The English interpretingwas supposed to concern the waiver of the obligation to present a certificate of no impediment to marriage.
Maciej Wróblewski