How to Price a Translation?

How to price a translation?? SEND THE DOCUMENTS TO RECEIVE A QUOTE – you will get an answer in 30 minutes. Or read the following instructions in 6 steps.

  1. We review what the billing page of the translation is.
  2. We review what the billing page of the translation is. If the document is a notarial deed, for example, we count: the number of characterswith spaces in a line, which we multiplyby the number of lines and the number of physical pages.
  3. To the resulting number we add approximately 150-300 characters with spaces for each stamp visible on the document.
  4. Then we add approximately 300 characters to the translator’s footer.
  5. We increase the total by approximately 20% for Polish translations, as it is a more extensive language than English.
  6. The resulting number is divided by 1,125 and rounded up. This is how we get the number of sworn billing pages.
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Please Send Me a File with the Documents You Wish To Translate

In any case, the translator, or someone properly trained, must be able to review the text. First of all, it is necessary to estimate the number of characters in the source text, but also to assess the degree of specialisation of the text, or e.g., special characters of the document in the case of a sworn translation into English. Therefore, please send me the file for a quote

How to price a translation?

Pricing of a translation may only be accurate if we see the document earlier.

    Kierunek tłumaczenia

    Rodzaj tłumaczenia
    PRZYSIĘGŁE -> tradycyjne tłumaczenie na papierze z pieczęcią i podpisemPRZYSIĘGŁE CYFROWE -> z podpisem kwalifikowanym tłumacza przysięgłego, wysyłane drogą e-mailowąZWYKŁE -> niepoświadczone, wysyłane drogą e-mailową

    Rezygnuję z F.VAT, czyli wybieram paragon
    wybieram paragonwybieram fakturę

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    2025 » sworn translations price list 

    How to Price a Translation?

    How to price a translation yourself? We described this at the beginning of the page. Below is our procedure for pricing certified translations from/to English.

    We Receive the Form by e-mail

    After clicking the “Send” button, we will receive an e-mail with the attached files, containing all the information you entered in the form. It will be here in no time. You can also visit the office.

    Sworn Translator Warsaw city centre

    We Quickly Estimate the Translation’s Cost

    We calculate the number of characters in the uploaded documents to estimate its cost. We use appropriate software for this purpose. We calculate the number of the so-called billing pages

    What is a billing page

    We Use a Price List for Translations

    Having estimated the amount of work necessary for the translation, i.e., the number of billing pages, we refer to our official price list for sworn translations Sworn translations price list

    Sworn translations price list

    We Take into Account Our Special Offers

    After estimating the cost according to the standard price list, we take into account special offers for sworn translations, which are always posted on this website.

    Cost-effective sworn translations

    Do you have any questions?
    Feel free to contact me on 22 112 16 68

    We work Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. You are cordially invited to contact us!